by Sanford Widran © March 2020
I was working my way up.
On my way to the top
On my way up
one rung to the next
one day at a time.
On my way today
On my bike with dog ahead
Riding my bike today
With wind behind
Helping me up
Up in the world of class
Working up that Ladder
That Ladder of Success
Success and
Hopefully meaningless Excess!
I can’t wait to achieve
Achieve some sort of greatness
So back to today and my future
That future with endless chases
In my mind
While I ride
With dog ahead
And wind behind
I seen The Devil
I seen The Devil today
Don’t you understand?
Along my way
My way up
With wind behind
Pushing me Up
I seen The Devil today
And The Devil seen me
Perhaps and very unfortunately
As he chased me
From behind as I ahead
While working
Working in my thoughts
In my thoughts and dreams
About a new life ahead
A new life of
Unlimited Excesses
A brazen gust of air rushes by,
And scarily whispers in my ear
Gently whispers great visions of
Future promise,
a promise of Greatness
and a life of grandeur
How great a gift
if only if
I would do something
Do something along my way
That would quickly get me there
Perhaps a shortcut
Or a minor detour
Just a brief stop along my way
Somehow influenced by
That Devil I seen today
While chasing me
Chasing me with wind behind
Just trying to help me up
To help me along my way today
As a Gust of Air rushing by
A sudden gust whistles past
And whispers in my ear
You gotta pull over here
And do a quick deed for me
The Devils voice became clearly
Apparent in my ear
In my ear who insists and yells at me
“Pull over here right now
And do a quick deed for me,”
As The Devil was pushing me today
And soon enough
with no invisibility to hide
“The deed will happen quickly
While I hold your dog for you
I’ll hold your dog for you
So you won’t have to worry
And also to ensure your return
So you won’t have to worry
As long as you do this for me
A quick deed for me today
Today right now
and you’ll soon see Greatness
Greatness and Great Fortune
Beyond your imagination
If you’ll only stop right now!”
Right now
immediately along
Along your way up
Up that Ladder of Success
grueling day by day
And toiling in the dirt to scrounge
Only to someday from now
Someday to claw your way up
Clawing your way up
day in and day out
with dirt in your hair and
clenching your teeth
while trying so hard
to climb out.
When suddenly you see
that Devil says
"I can get you where you want,
get you there much more quickly
If you’ll only do this little deed
A deed for me
that will certainly
guarantee your success."
With speed and rush
The rush of air as it became
it became so hot that soon
Soon enough that rush of air
That rush began to yell now
And scream in my ear
rather tantalizing tails
of endless seductions.
‘Tails of great Fantasies
you’ll see
to ever satisfy your greed
If you only pull over here for me’
As the invisible air rushing by
Began to force me you see
To stop for just a moment
To do a little deed as needed
As I became so confused
And frustrated
Since I was tricked you see
By this Devil I saw today
Along my way while peddling
peddling hard
as can be to succeed.
And Before I knew it
and soon you’ll see
I was pushed hard
Hard by this grueling wind,
as I began going downhill fast
Along an unfamiliar and
A different path today
while along my way to success
I seen The Devil
And The Devil seen me
So you see I was forced
Forced down this way
Beyond my controls
Going downhill
really fast now
And my only way out
To escape you see is
If only I do this one little deed
And pull over here
Pull over here quickly you see
Cause a steep cliff lurks ahead
So to avoid this potential doom
I made this Deal,
if only if
I had thought it through
More thoroughly and
Without the urgency
Reality became blinded
Blinded by that offer
if only if
White sands and cocktails
Will be mine to share with all
All that comes with all that
All that grandeur so sure
If only if
I do this one quick deed
For that Devil who seen me
He seen me today along my way
Working Up that Ladder of Success
so Hard and desperately.
And so he says he ‘chose’ me to
If only if
I do this one quick deed you see,
I could tell I was being used
But became very confused by
Why did that Devil chose me?
I had no choice
Because soon enough
I was quickly being pushed
downhill instead of up you see
By this very strong invisible wind
The air directed me to stop there
Before that cliff is up too close
Presenting me with a choice
Fast approaching now
A difficult choice not to stop
And do this deed very quickly here
Now to avoid that cliff ahead
That cliff so deep is scary
And my dog was with me
You see while I peddled my way
When I seen this scrappy Devil
And the Devil seen me today
because soon
Soon enough
I made this turn
To avoid that cliff ahead
Ever nearing and therefore
I had to do this one little thing
I made this turn while going fast
Reckless now really moving
Downhill instead of up
if only if
Being bullied by this foul wind
To turn here and pull over
Pull over there and deliver this
It won’t hurt anything you see
That Devil tricked me
Into believing
I could fast track it
So to avoid this potential doom
from that looming cliff ahead
Of Debt and Overreaching.
Apparently, I had to do it
This one little thing
That won’t hurt anybody
While that Devil holds my dog
To ensure my return
After delivering this package
Small in size and high in value
And you see when
I was handed this wad Of Dough
while I sweated heavily,
Standing there at the door
waiting endlessly
at the threshold of this
crooked place.
It seemed while waiting
nervously in that moment
That moment that never ends
Breaking bad they say, So I’m
Waiting to be dismissed
And oh yah
I got what I came for I guess
as I hightailed it away
Away from there
as this was bad
This wad of cash
is going to get me into trouble
so I put it quickly
Stuffed it in my pocket and ran
Back to my dog
waiting patiently
I gave The Devil this wad of cash
It was stuck in my jeans pocket
You see while I was sweating
Sweating Nervously
trying to rip this cash
From my possession
in order to hand it over quickly
and retrieve my dog
from that Beast and fast
I had better
Get now
Get the Hell out of there
Rather quickly you see
Because that Devil forced me
To do things I’d rather not say
In exchange for my dog
Held hostage for my return
That day with that lump of cash
So I did it
and then I left fast
I left quickly with my dog ahead
To return from where we went
Being pushed and bullied
Bullied by that threatening air
The wind gushing around ahead
And whispering things so great
very tempting things in my ear
That could help me to the top
Ahead of others in line
To reach that final Ladder rung
If only if,
I do this one little thing
that won’t hurt anybody,
And Gunshots rang out after
Leaving that shady place
I was forced to turn and stop
Again to do this one little thing
It would take me to the top
And a guaranteed life of comfort
To share with others you see
So I had to do it
to have it all
And do it fast
And get the Hell out of there
With dog ahead we’d gone
Back home.
Don’t you understand?
We’d seen the Devil today OK?
And he’d seen me unfortunately
We were riding
like we do nearly every day.
But today
The head winds became rough and
forced me you see
to do things I’d rather not say
but had to
Had to because
of that steep chasm
ever growing
that accumulating pile of debt
was just as threatening ahead
and just as scary as that rotten Devil.
So a very poor choice was made
in exchange for a
Lasting and Swift rise
to the Top.
A Toast for reaching the Top
To that very top of the world.
A Lavish Life Of Greatness
Chasing an over abundance
of unlimited Riches.
But unfortunately, you see
I have not arrived yet.
I was hood winked
By that sneaky rotten Devil
who sure fooled me!
I have to continuously watch
My back now
while continuing to struggle
through my daily toil,
“I was on my way to the Top,
One Day at a Time, if only if!”
by Sanford Widran © March 2020